“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as working for the Lord,…“  Colossians 3:23
“無論做什麼,都要從心裡做,像是給主做的…” 歌羅西書 3:23
Final Exam Study Guide 期末试考試範圍
Pre Level 1
1. Get familiar with the 6 colors:  紅,綠,黃,藍,白,黑(pronunciation, meaning and recognizing
2. Get familiar with the 6 parts of body:  手,足(脚),目(眼睛),耳朵,口(嘴巴),鼻子
3. Get familiar with these 5 food items: 蛋糕,冰淇淋,西瓜,草莓,香蕉
4. Get familiar with these 6 action verbs: 跳舞,打球,游泳,滑雪,看書,看電視
5. Understand: 有沒有,是不是,會不會,喜不喜歡,這是什麼?這是誰?你要吃什麼?你要喝什麼?
6. Pick one of these chapters reading (12,15,18 和 21課,只會抽四課中的一課來讀)
For Dictation and Verbal parts at Final Exam, please go to Dictation & Verbal Test Online Review